Cinderby, S. 2010. How to reach the ‘hard-to-reach’: the development of Participatory Geographic Information Systems (P-GIS) for inclusive urban design in UK cities. Area, 42(2), 239–251.
Rambaldi G., 2010. Our forest, our dignity. Forest-dependent indigenous peoples voice their rights for existence and call for recognition of their cultural heritage and indigenous knowledge (PPgis Blog) consulted on 22 October 2010.
_________ 2010. Mapeo Participativo y Resolución de conflictos de tierra en Telpaneca. Equipo Técnico-UNAG Nueva Segovia, Pueblo Indígena de Telpaneca y Agrónomos y Veterinarios Sin Fronteras. Ruta de Aprendizaje Experiencias innovadoras en cartografía participativa y empoderamiento legal en Centroamérica. ILC-Procasur
Gwilym Lucas Eades. 2010. Geoweb: Indigenous Mapping of Intergenerational Knowledge. Department of Geography, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, December 2010
Fisheries Improved for Sustainable Harvest (FISH) Project. 2010. 7 Years & 4 Seas: Gur Quest for Sustainable Fisheries. A special end-of-project report to partners on the implementation of the Fisheries Improved for Sustainable Harvest (FISH) Project in Coron Bay, Danajon Bank, Lanuza Bay and Tawi-Tawi Bay, Philippines, 2003-2010. Fisheries Improved for Sustainable Harvest (FISH) Project, Cebu City, Philippines. 252p.
Odambo Adone L.F.,Crawhall N., Eisen J. 2010. Report on Participatory 3D Modelling Workshop. Representing the Abongo-Mitsogho cultural landscape of the Ikobey Commune and Waka National Park. 22 September – 3 October, 2010
Odambo Adone L.F.,Crawhall N., Eisen J. 2010. Rapport sur la formation de cartographie participative en 3D. Le paysage Abongo-Tsogho de la Commune d’Ikobey et le Parc National de Waka. 22 septembre – 03 octobre 2010. Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA) Brainforest Gabon, Rainforest Foundation UK (RFF-UK), Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and Parks Gabon.
René Oyono, Peter Mbile, Marina France, and Solange Bandiaky. 2010. Mapping Communities, Mapping Rights: Participatory Community Mapping as Rights Contestation in Cameroon in Policy Matters Vol. 17: Exploring the Right to Diversity in Conservation Law, Policy, and Practice; pages 157-160, IUCN-CEESP
Sven Schade, Gianluca Luraschi, Bertrand De Longueville, Simon Cox, Laura Díaz. 2010. Citizens as Sensors for Crisis Events: Sensor Web Enablement for Volunteered Geographic Information. Proceedings of the first WebMGS conference, August 2010, Como, Italy; August 26, 2010
Wiersma, Y. F. 2010. Birding 2.0: citizen science and effective monitoring in the Web 2.0 world. Avian Conservation and Ecology 5(2): 13.
Agama A. L. and James Wong. 2010. Participatory 3-Dimensional Modelling Workshop Report (6 to 12 November 2010), Kinabalu Park, by the Global Diversity Foundation, Sabah Parks, Pacos Trust and the Ulu Papar community
Adam Murphy. 2010. Report on Biocultural Diversity & Conservation Training Workshop; Part 2: Participatory GIS (13th – 14th November 2010); Inobong Research Station, Penampang
Matepi, M., De Romilly, G., Waugh J 2010. Managing Climate Change Risks in Vulnerable Communities: A Cook Island Pilot Project.. Report to the Asian Development Bank for Regional Technical Assistance Project 6420, Promoting Climate Change Adaptation in Asia and the Pacific. Rarotonga: Te Rito Enua, 99 pp.
Rambaldi G. et al. 2010. Kit de Capacitación sobre Manejo y Comunicación Participativos de la Información Territorial. CTA, Países Bajos y FIDA, Italia (ISBN: 978-92-9081-447-4)
Rambaldi G. et al. 2010. Training Kit on Participatory Spatial Information Management and Communication. CTA, The Netherlands and IFAD, Italy (ISBN: 978-92-9081-446-7)
Rambaldi G. 2010. Participatory Three-dimensional Modelling: Guiding Principles and Applications, 2010 edition. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands; 85 pages; ISBN: 978-92-9081-448-1
Rambaldi G. 2010. Modélisation participative en 3D – Principes directeurs et applications, édition 2010. CTA, Wageningen, Pays-Bas et le Programme de petites subventions du Fond pour l’environnement mondial (FEM); (ISBN: 978-92-9081-449-8)
Rambaldi G. 2010. Modelado Participativo Tridimensional: Principios Orientadores y Aplicaciones. Edición 2010. CTA. Wageningen, Países Bajos y El Programa de Pequeñas Donaciones (SGP) del Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial (FMAM); (ISBN: 978-92-9081-450-4)
Rambaldi G. 2010. Modelagem 3D participativa: Princípios e aplicações de orientação ; Edição 2010 ; Edição 2010. CTA, Wageningen, Holanda; (ISBN: 978-92-9081-519-8)
Antonino Porrello, Antonio Talone, Diego Collovini, Enrico Tommarchi. 2010. Cultural Mapping: The Semantic Web as a Survey Tool for the Construction of the Cultural Plan; 24th AESOP Annual Conference, July 2010
Jon Corbett et al. 2010. Participatory mapping and communication: A guide to developing a participatory communication strategy to support participatory mapping. The International Fund for Agricultural Development, Rome, Italy. pp. 28.
Silke Schwedes and Wolfgang Werner. 2010. Manual for participatory land use planning facilitators; document produced in the framework of the Modelling Integrated Regional Land Use Planning” project of the Namibian Ministry of Lands and Resettlement (MLR) and the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ); September 2010
__________ 2010. The Mt. Gantong/Brooke’s Point 2010 Geo-Tagged Report: Mining Threats to Watersheds, Core Zones and to The Ancestral Domain of Isolated Indigenous Communities, Palawan Island (The Philippines); A joint field assessment of ALDAW (Ancestral Land/Domain Watch) and The Centre for Biocultural Diversity (CBCD) of the University of Kent (UK) [2 MB]
Graciela Peters-Guarin and Michael K. McCall. 2010. Community Carbon Forestry (CCF) for REDD. Using CyberTracker for Mapping and Visualising of Community Forest Management in the Context of REDD.
Corbett J. M. 2010. Adaptive Mapping: IFAD Design and Delivery of Participatory Mapping Projects. The International Fund for Agricultural Development, Rome, Italy. pp. 47.
_________ 2010. The Bulanjao 2010 Geo-Tagged Report: Mining Aggression in Core Zones and Ecologically Fragile Areas on Palawan Island (The Philippines); A joint field assessment of ALDAW (Ancestral Land/Domain Watch) and the Centre for Biocultural Diversity (CBCD) of the University of Kent (UK)
Nigel Crawhall. 2010. The Role of participatory cultural mapping in promoting intercultural dialogue: We are not hyenas; a reflection paper. UNESCO; 27 p., illus.
Sven Schade, Gianluca Luraschi, Bertrand De Longueville, Simon Cox, Laura Díaz. 2010. Citizens as Sensors for Crisis Events: Sensor Web Enablement for Volunteered Geographic Information. Proceedings of the first WebMGS conference, August 2010, Como, Italy; August 26, 2010
Antonino Porrello, Antonio Talone, Diego Collovini, Enrico Tommarchi. 2010. Cultural Mapping: The Semantic Web as a Survey Tool for the Construction of the Cultural Plan; 24th AESOP Annual Conference, July 2010
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