Holly Ashley. 2006. Survey results: Survey results: PLA 54 Mapping for Change – practice, technologies and communications Participatory Learning and Action 55: Practical tools for community conservation in southern Africa, IIED

De Vera D. 2006. The Tenurial Situation of Indigenous and Local Communities in South-east Asia: Regional Experiences, Practices, Policies and Issues. Paper presented at the workshop onEquitable Distribution of Costs and Benefits (EDCB) for the Learning & Action Network of the WWF. Yogyakarta, Indonesia. August 22-25, 2006

Leila M. Harris and Helen D. Hazen, 2006. Power of Maps: (Counter) Mapping for Conservation. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, 4 (1), 99-130

Paul E. Little. 2006. Gestão Territorial Em Terras Indígenas: Definição de conceitos e proposta de diretrizes. Departamento de Antropologia, Universidade de Brasília

Maling A. 2006. Mapping the Forest in three Dimensions; the WWF Cambodia Newsletter, Vol. 1, Issue 2, Page 3; April-June 2006

Bocchi S., Disperati S.P., Rossi S., 2008. Environmental Security: A Geographic Information System Analysis Approach—The Case of Kenya; Department of Crop Science, State University of Milan, Italy; Environmental Management Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 186–199

Salvador Anta Fonseca, Arturo V. Arreola Muñoz, Marco A. González Ortiz y Jorge Acosta González (Compiladores) 2006. Ordenamiento Territorial Comunitario: un debate de la sociedad civil hacia la construcción de políticas públicas; Instituto Nacional de Ecología; Instituto para el Desarrollo Sustentable en Mesoamérica, A.C.; Grupo Autónomo para la Investigación Ambiental, A.C.; Grupo de Estudios Ambientales, A.C.; Methodus Consultora, S.C.; Servicios Alternativos para la Educación y el Desarrollo, A.C. Maxico, September 2006

Aswani, Shankar, and Matthew Lauer. 2006. Benthic mapping using local aerial photo interpretation and resident taxa inventories for designing marine protected areas. Environmental Conservation 33(3): 263-273

Sanna Ojalammi. 2006. Contested Lands: Land Disputes in Semi-arid Parts of Northern Tanzania: Case Studies of the Loliondo and Sale Divisions in the Ngorongoro District; Department of Geography Faculty of Science University of Helsinki Academic dissertation

Leila M. Harris and Helen D. Hazen. 2006. Power of Maps: Counter Mapping for Conservation; ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, 4 (1), 99-130

By Jen Osha and Daniel Weiner. 2006. Participatory GIS – A Paradigm Shift in Development? Directions Magazine, Directions Media, December 2006

Rhett A. Butler. 2006. Amazon natives use Google Earth, GPS to protect rainforest home, mongabay.com November 14, 2006

Jairo Paizano, Sylvanie Jardinet, Julia Urquijo. 2006. Desarrollo de Capacidades Locales y SIG1 Participativo para la Delimitación del Territorio: experiencia innovadora en Nicaragua; Acción Contra el Hambre, Nicaragua-Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)

Musnanda Satar. 2006. Using Participatory GIS to Identified Local Landuse Zoning for Conservation in Merauke District, Papua, Indonesia. Research conducted in November 2004-February 2005 as Theses Research to get Master Degree in Urban and Regional Planning, Institut Teknologi Bandung. 8 pages

Johnson, J.T., R.P Louis & A.H. Pramono. 2005. Facing Future: Encouraging Cartographic Literacy in Indigenous Communities. ACME: An International E-Journal of Critical Geography 4(1): 80-98.

Fernando Ramirez and Asuncion Sia. 2006. Participatory 3-dimensional modeling in Talibon, Bohol, Philippines: A 3D Experience; The Online Magazine for Sustainable Seas; Vol. 8 No. 3, July 2006

Elwood, Sarah .2006. Negotiating Knowledge Production: The Everyday Inclusions, Exclusions, and Contradictions of Participatory GIS Research. The Professional Geographer 58 (2), 197-208.

Rambaldi G., Kwaku Kyem A. P.; Mbile P.; McCall M. and Weiner D. 2006. Participatory Spatial Information Management and Communication in Developing Countries. EJISDC 25, 1, 1-9 .

Rambaldi G., Kwaku Kyem A. P.; Mbile P.; McCall M. and Weiner D. 2006. Gestion Participative de l’information Géographique et de la Communication dans les Pays en Développement. EJISDC 25, 1, 1-9. Traduit et publié par le Centre Technique de Coopération Agricole et Rurale (CTA) avec la permission d’EJISDC

Rambaldi G., Kwaku Kyem A. P.; Mbile P.; McCall M. and Weiner D. 2006. Manejo y Comunicación de la Información Territorial en Forma Participativa en los Países en vía de Desarrollo. EJISDC 25, 1, 1-9. Traducido y publicado por: Centro Técnico para la Cooperación Agricultural y Rural ACP-EU (CTA), 2010. Con permiso de: EJISDC

Robert Chambers. 2006. Participatory Mapping and Geographic Information Systems: Whose Map? Who is Empowered and Who Disempowered? Who Gains and Who Loses? EJISDC 25, 2, 1-11

Robert Chambers. 2006. El Mapeo Participativo Y Los Sistemas De Información Geográfica: ¿De Quién Son Los Mapas? ¿Quién Se Empodera Y Quién Se Desempodera? ¿Quién Gana Y Quién Pierde? EJISDC 25, 2, 1-14 – Traducido y publicado por: Centro Técnico para la Cooperación Agricultural y Rural ACP-EU (CTA), 2010. Con la autorización de: EJISDC

Robert Chambers. 2006. Cartographie participative et systèmes d’information géographique : à qui appartiennent les cartes ? Qui en ressort renforcé, qui en ressort affaibli ? Qui gagne et qui perd ? EJISDC 25, 2, 1-14 – Traduit et publié par le Centre Technique de Coopération Agricole et Rurale (CTA) avec la permission d’EJISDC

Ermias Aynekulu, Welday Wubneh, Emiru Birhane and Nigussu Begashaw. 2006. Monitoring and Evaluating Land Use/ Land Cover Change Using Participatory Geographic Information System (PGIS) Tools: A Case Study of Begasheka Watershed, Tigray, Ethiopia.. EJISDC. 25, 3, 1-10

Beatrice B. Nabwire and Meshack Nyabenge. 2006. Community Resource Mapping in Sustainable Natural Resource Management: A Case Study of SW Uganda. EJISDC. 25, 4, 1-8

Him Lal Shrestha. 2006. Using Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Participatory Mapping of Community Forest in Nepal.. EJISDC 25, 5, 1-11.

Stephanie Duvail, Olivier Hamerlynck, Revocatus X. L. Nandi, Pili Mwambeso and Richard Elibariki. 2006. Participatory Mapping for Local Management of Natural Resources in Villages of the Rufiji District (Tanzania). EJISDC 25, 6, 1-6.

Rambaldi G., Corbett J., Olson R., McCall M., Muchemi J, Kwaku Kyem P., Weiner D. and Chambers R. (Eds) 2006. Mapping for change: Practice, technologies and communication. Participatory Learning and Action no 54: 150 pg. IIED, London, UK and CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands; London, 2006. CD-ROM multilingual. Note: The CD contains PDF versions of the articles published in PLA 54 translated in the following languages: Arabic, Bangla, Chinese (traditional and simplified), French, Hindi, Persian-Dari, Portuguese, Spanish, Swahili and Tamil as well as the English versions. It includes additional resources (mainly in English), including a video of the Conference and key literature on the practice, including UNESCO Conventions on Cultural Mapping.

Rambaldi G., Corbett J., Olson R., McCall M., Muchemi J, Kwaku Kyem P., Weiner D. and Chambers R. (Eds) 2006. Mapping for change: Practice, technologies and communication. Participatory Learning and Action no 54: 150 pg. IIED, London, UK and CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands; London, 2006.

Gerbrand G. Mans. 2006. Using PGIS to Conduct Community Safety Audits. EJISDC. 25, 7, 1-13

Francis Koti and Daniel Weiner. 2006. (Re) Defining Peri-Urban Residential Space Using Participatory GIS in Kenya. EJISDC. 28, 8, 1-12

Renate Steinmann and Alenka Krek. 2006. Interactive Television and Map-Based Public Participation. Paper published in the proceedings of Urban Data Management Symposium´06, Aalborg, Denmark

Stephanie Lindenbaum. 2006. Mapping for Advocacy – Case Studies. Open Society Institute.

Rambaldi G, Chambers R., McCall M, And Fox J. 2006. Practical ethics for PGIS practitioners, facilitators, technology intermediaries and researchers PLA 54:106-113, IIED, London, UK

Giacomo Rambaldi y Robert Chambers, Mike McCall y Jefferson Fox 2006. Ética práctica para profesionales, facilitadores, intermediarios tecnológicos e investigadores de PGIS; PLA 54:1-8, IIED, London, UK

Corbett J, Rambaldi G., Kyem P., Weiner D., Olson R., Muchemi J., McCall M And Chambers R. 2006. The emergence of a new practice. PLA 54:13-19 IIED, London, UK

Rambaldi G, Tuivanuavou S., Namata P., Vanualailai P., Rupeni S. And Rupeni E. 2006. Resource Use, Development Planning, and Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage in Fiji. PLA 54:28-35, IIED, London, UK

Jon Corbett and Peter Keller. 2006. Using Community Information Systems to express traditional knowledge embedded in the landscape, PLA 54:28-35, IIED, London, UK

Peter A. Kwaku Kyem. 2006. Using Community Information Systems to express traditional knowledge embedded in the landscape,; PLA 54:36-40, IIED, London, UK

Peter Poole. 2006. Is there life after tenure mapping?PGIS as a sustained (and sustainable?) practice: First Nation experiences in Treaty 8 BC, Canada. PLA 54:41-50, IIED, London, UK

Craig Candler, Rachel Olson, Steven DeRoy, and Kieran Broderick. 2006. PGIS as a sustained (and sustainable?) practice: First Nation experiences in Treaty 8 BC, Canada; PLA 54:51-57, IIED, London, UK

Tsion Lemma, Richard Sliuzas and Monika Kuffer. 2006. A participatory approach to monitoring slum conditions: an example from Ethiopia; PLA 54:58-66, IIED, London, UK

Sylvanie Jardinet. 2006. Capacity development and PGIS for land demarcation: innovations from Nicaragua; PLA 54:67-73, IIED, London, UK

Pascale de Robert, Jean-François Faure and Anne-Elisabeth Laques. 2006. The power of maps: cartography with indigenous people in the Brazilian Amazon; by the inhabitants of Moikarakô; PLA 54:74-78, IIED, London, UK

Julie Taylor and Carol Murphy with Simon Mayes, Elvis Mwilima, Nathaniel Nuulimba and Sandra Slater-Jones. 2006. Land and natural resource mapping by San communities and NGOs: experiences from Namibia; PLA 54:79-84, IIED, London, UK

Peter A. Minang and Michael K. McCall. 2006. Participatory GIS and local knowledge enhancement for community carbon forestry planning: an example from Cameroon. PLA 54:85-91, IIED, London, UK

Mac Chapin. 2006. Mapping projects: identifying obstacles, finding solutions; PLA 54:93-97, IIED, London, UK

Jefferson Fox, Krisnawati Suryanata, Peter Hershock and Albertus Hadi Pramono. 2006. Mapping power: ironic effects of spatial information technology; PLA 54:98-105, IIED, London, UK

Mike McCall. 2006. Precision for whom? Mapping ambiguity and certainty in (Participatory) GIS; PLA 54:114-119, IIED, London, UK

Stocks, A., B. McMahan, and P. Taber. 2006. Beyond the Map: Indigenous and Colonist Impacts and Territorial Defense in Nicaragua’s Bosawas Reserve. Processed

McCall K. M, Ashley H. and Rambaldi G. 2006. The snowball technique; PLA 54:135-137, IIED, London, UK

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