Higaonon, PHL

Participatory-3-Dimensional Model of the Higaonon of Agtulawon-Mintapod, Impasug-ong, Bukidnon, Philippines

The young and the old, the women and the men of the Higaonons break into workshop groups to illustrate the vision each sector imagines for their community.
The young and the old, the women and the men of the Higaonons break into workshop groups to illustrate the vision each sector imagines for their community.

Source of images and citations from NBTA Vol.2 No.2, November 20011:5,000-scale 3D model manufactured in 2001 to support the application for a Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title (CADT) and for formulating an Ancestral Domain Sustainable Development and Protection Plan (ADSDPP).

The process has been facilitated by NTFP-EP networking, Legal Rights Center-Kasama sa Kalikasan (LRC-KSK), AnthroWatch (AW), Philippine Association for Intercultural Development (PAFID) and Father Vincent Cullen Tulugan Learning and Development Center (FVCTLDC).


map_loc_cadc_bukidnonRecommended reading:
Labadan G. and Solia N. Supporting Ancestral Domain Delineation thru Development Cooperation. Not by Timber alone, Vol.2 No.2, pages 8-10. November 2001

Source of images and citations from NBTA Vol.2 No.2, November 2001