Boeboe, Solomon Islands

Anticipating climate change impacts in Boe Boe, Solomon Islands

1:5000-scale model (1.5 x vertical exaggeration) covering an area of 198 sq. km, of the coastal area in Boe Boe village, Choiseul Province (Lauru) Solomon Islands (Yr 2011)

Note: The model was produced in the context of the project “Building the Resilience of Communities and their Ecosystems to the Impacts of Climate Change” and was built by students and volunteers from the village, guided by teachers, elders and invited guests from neighbouring communities. The exercise was facilitated by Kenn Mondiai, from Partners With Melanesians, with a team from The Nature Conservancy. The event was organized in Boe Boe by the Lauru Land Conference of Tribal Communities, a representative organization for the Lauru people of Choiseul Province, supported in turn through a project partnership from Australia’s International Climate Change Adaptation Initiative.

The model showed the extent of the 2007 tsunami, and recent king-tide levels that inundated parts of the village. The community used the model to discuss these and other climate- and risk-related issues, and to explain early strategies and ‘adaptation’ efforts that the community is planning. These ideas were, literally, ‘put on the table’. They included ecosystem-based approaches, such as establishing conservation areas and reinforcing the traditional tambu sites and rites over the streams, islands, mangroves and watershed forest of Snake Ridge.

Recommended readings:

Robyn James. 2011. Strengthening Adaptive Capacity in Choiseul, Solomon Islands; The Nature Conservancy
Esther Ririmae and James Hardcastle. 2011. Modeling the Future: Participatory 3D mapping helps Boe Boe community plan for climate change impacts and other development challenges
Giacomo Rambaldi. 2011. Participatory Three-dimensional Modelling: Guiding Principles and Applications, 2010 edition; CTA, The Netherlands

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Model produced within a project of the Australian Government / AusAID supported project “Building the Resilience of Communities and their Ecosystems to the Impacts of Climate Change”. The project has been implemented in the context of the broader “Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Partnership” funded by Australian Government/AusAID, through Nature Conservancy (TNC) and implemented by partners and communities in Solomon Islands, PNG and Marshall Islands