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Richard Chase Smith, Mario Pariona, Ermeto Tuesta, Margarita Benavides. 2003. Mapping The Past And The Future: Geomatics And Indigenous Territories In The Peruvian Amazon. Human Organization 62/4 pp. 357-368, 2003
Peter Knight and Antoni Moore. 2003. Towards a community GIS for the Bluff Oyster Fishery. Paper presented at SIRC 2003 – The 15th Annual Colloquium of the Spatial Information Research Centre; University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand; December 1st & 2nd 2003
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Peter H. Herlihy. 2003. Participatory Research Mapping of Indigenous Lands in Darién, Panama.Human Organization, Vol. 62, No. 4, 2003
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Derek A. Smith. 2003. Participatory Mapping of Community Lands and Hunting Yields among the Buglé of Western Panama, Human Organization, Volume 62, Number 4 / 2003, pp. 332 – 343
Anthony Stocks. 2003. Mapping Dreams in Nicaragua’s Bosawas Reserve, Human Organization, Volume 62, Number 4 / 2003, pp. 344 – 356
Edmund T. Gordon. 2003. Rights, Resources, and the Social Memory of Struggle: Reflections and Black Community Land Rights on Nicaragua’s Atlantic Coast Human Organization, Volume 62, Number 4 / 2003, pp. 369 – 381
Karl H. Offen. 2003. Narrating Place and Identity, or Mapping Miskitu Land Claims in Northeastern Nicaragua. Human Organization, Volume 62, Number 4 / 2003, pp. 382 – 392
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Melinda Laituri. 2003. The Issue of Access: An Assessment Guide for Evaluating Public Participation Geographic Information Science Case Studies. URISA Journal; Vol. 15, APA II; 2003 pages 25-32
E. Mapedza, J. Wright and R. Fawcett. 2003. An investigation of land cover change in Mafungautsi Forest, Zimbabwe, using GIS and participatory mapping. Applied Geography, Volume 23, Issue 1, January 2003, Pages 1-21
Peter Mbile, Ann Degrande and David Okon. 2003. Integrating Participatory Resource Mapping and Geographic Information Systems in Forest Conservation and Natural Resources Management in Cameroon: A Methodological Guide. The Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries (EJISDC) 14, 2, 1-11, 15 pgs
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